Saturday, June 13, 2009

A mixed bag of a week...

Well, I had my friend Timothy up to stay from the long weekend from Canberra last weekend. That was OK... it was definitely nice to see him, but it was also challenging because he is the closest to a true introvert as I have ever met.... it was SO quiet over the weekend, it felt like pulling teeth to get him to talk. I don't think that it was a failing on his part, but I guess it showed me that I am a little more extroverted than I originally thought!

I had biblestudy on Tuesday night and I saw the psychologist on Thursday - which was good. It confirmed that I managed myself really well when I went to Tamworth last...

Its also been a really good week in terms of my relationship with Jesus... I fully surrendered to His plans earlier this week, regardless of where Steve was going and how that was making me feel. In return I have felt really at ease with the world. Praising Jesus is no longer an effort of any kind and the darkness and the struggle that I have felt spiritually seems to have lifted. I have not felt this at peace in a long time.

On a sadder note, my friend Steph is not in the greatest of places, her father is really ill and has been in hospital for several weeks with an unknown neurological illness. The surgeons are going ahead on Monday and removing part of his brain in the hope that they will be able to diagnose his condition and treat it.... at the moment he seems to have the comprehension of a dementia patient. Please keep Ken, his wife, Steph and her brother Wayne in your prayers as they struggle through this rough patch.

Hope this post finds the rest of you well!

PS No photos this week... sorry


Timothy said...

Hey! I'm not that quiet. And I thought I had a couple of good chats with you. Actually I really enjoyed seeing you, even if you didn't enjoy seeing me quite so much.

Fi said...

What are you talking about? I really enjoyed having you around!