Watch this space!
In other news:
I have just gotten back from Tamworth where I had a beautiful Saturday with the kids going to the library, shopping in the cheap shop and feeding ducks and playing in the park. The sun was warm and the kids were happy and it was just beautiful!
And after a short meeting today, it is looking like I will become an assistant to the Teacher Librarian at my local primary school (just across the road from me!) a couple of days a week in a voluntary capacity. The principal is lovely and she needs to talk to the librarian and I need to put paperwork together but it is looking promising. I always wanted to be a teacher AND a librarian - so this will be a good training ground!

Oh yes, and Aiden and Owen's vests were posted out last week!
Oh! And Feeties! For Amy (a looong overdue birthday present!)

Oops - almost forgot - I also updated Finally Fi about a week ago too if you want to keep up with the inner workings of my mind!
And that's about it from me at the moment.
Reading: The God I Love
Watching: Not much
Listening to: Alanis Morisette
Knitting: Baby clothes!
Love you all...
A bit random, but...
...the same Fiona Peel who used to call me 'Yofus' (for reasons which still escape me almost twenty years later!)?
Sure am - how are you??? Why Yofus? I am not quite sure - something to do with someone on the bus being Mary and you therefore being Joseph???
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