Saturday, November 6, 2010

She's Leaving Home.... Bye Bye

Hey there guys! What has been going on this past couple of weeks?

  • 10 days in hospital - first and Mirrabook and then at Wollongong PECC unit
  • A BRILLIANT recovery experience at the PECC (Psychiatric Emergency and Crisis Care) unit
  • A new (short-medium term) home in Nowra - with walking distance to everything that I need
  • The chance of a long-term stable home (still in the process)
  • A reworking of my finances to a place where I can manage them much more effectively
  • A change in my acute and recovery care models
  • A greater understanding of Borderline Personality Disorder and how it fits in with Major Clinical Depression
  • A chance to set goals and start moving towards bringing some of my dreams into reality
  • A chance to see Casey Donovan and Toni Child's in concert!!!
 So yes - a big week.

Check out:

- Finally Fi
- Fi's 'Flections
- Fi's Friendly Friends

and of course, for the latest on the kids:
- Fi's Friendly Family

Love you all and thanking you all for your support during this time....

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